From research to practical adoption
Collaborative Research aims at extending our knowledge and relationship in variant and exciting environment.
Our Research brings ideas to developing prototypes feeding the innovation process
MADE IN ITALY Circolare e sostenibileMICS is an Extended Partnership aiming to carry out the foundational research to address the challenges in current models of design, production, consumption, as well as the End-of-Life of materials, products, production technologies and processes tha...
Advanced CoMputing Continuum Solutions for Boosting DigITalization across European RegionSThe main objective of AMBITIOUS is to offer a fundamental technological infrastructure, capable of providing: advanced data aggregation and cleaning, analysis, AI-enabled forecasting and secure information exchange mechanisms. This will be implemente...
High Efficiency 4-terminal bifacial solar cell technology for 'utility scale'Photovoltaic from utility scale plants is already at grid parity in many countries in the world, producing numerous opportunities for the industrial growth. BEST4U aims to find solutions to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic modules above 25%, a...
Agile Networks
The objective of the project is the creation of new solutions and new innovative products and, in particular: a distributed NFV infrastructure solution; an innovative platform for enabling communication services, or “value enablement” pl...
Rich Environment-Appliance and fog Computing platform for internet of Things Optimizer Real timeThe objective of the RE-ACTOR project is to create an application ICT platform aimed at providing IoT services, implementing business logic and virtuous algorithms capable of optimizing, improving, reducing the necessary resources, increasing usabili...
Smart sensors, infrastructures and management models for the security of frail peopleTechnologies for Life Environments – The objective of the 4FRAILTY project is to improve the quality of life of fragile people in their living environment, through an innovative technological solution that allows patient care to be moved from ...
Big data pRocessing and Artificial Intelligence at the Network EdgeBy lowering the barriers for utilising edge computing for artificial intelligence applications, BRAINE will open the door for European SMEs to leverage state of the art technologies, driving their development and growth as industry leaders in their s...
Q-Secure Net
Unconditionally secure communicationQ-Secure Net will provide a cost effective and flexible solution for unconditionally secure communication services based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) on current metropolitan fiber-optic networks. A novel blockchain application based on the secur...
GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chainsGUARD will develop an open and extensible platform for advanced assurance and protection of trustworthy and reliable business chains spanning multiple administrative domains and heterogeneous infrastructures. The purpose of GUARD is manifold: i) to i...
Enabling Smart Cities through 5G Clouds5GCity will design, develop, deploy and demonstrate a distributed cloud and radio platform for municipalities and infrastructure owners acting as 5G neutral hosts. 5GCity’s main aim is to build and deploy a common, multi-tenant, open platform that ...
Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences5G ESSENCE addresses the paradigms of Edge Cloud computing and Small Cell as a Service by fuelling the drivers and removing the barriers in the Small Cell market, forecasted to grow at an impressive pace up to 2020 and beyond and to play a key-role i...
5G-ready applications and network services over sliced programmable infrastructureThe vision of MATILDA is to design and implement a holistic 5G end-to-end services operational framework tackling the lifecycle of design, development and orchestration of 5G-ready applications and 5G network services over programmable infrastructure...
Bigger DATA
START-UPThe project intends to enhance and enrich the data assets made available with the Open Data program by local Administrations and Companies. In addition it aims to provide a solution that, starting from the data identified, allows to provide a series ...
Secure and Trustworthy Composite ServicesAniketos develops new technologies, methods, tools and security services that support the design-time creation and run-time dynamic behaviour of composite services, addressing service developers, service providers and service consumers.
MobileCloud NetworkingMobileCloud is Mobile Network + Decentralised Computing + Smart Storage offered as One Service – OnDemand, Elastic and Pay-As-You-Go. The top-level objectives of the MobileCloud project are: (a) to develop a novel mobile “network” architecture ...