
Enabling Smart Cities through 5G Clouds


5GCity will design, develop, deploy and demonstrate a distributed cloud and radio platform for municipalities and infrastructure owners acting as 5G neutral hosts.
5GCity’s main aim is to build and deploy a common, multi-tenant, open platform that extends the (centralized) cloud model to the extreme edge of the network, with a demonstration in three different cities (Barcelona, Bristol and Lucca).
5GCity will directly impact a large and varied range of actors: (i) telecom providers; (ii) municipalities; and (iii) a number of different vertical sectors utilizing the city infrastructure.

  • Partners
    i2CAT (Spain), NEC (UK), VOSYS (France), PrismTech (France), Retevision (Spain), University of Bristol (UK), Nextworks (Italy), Commune di Lucca (Italy), Italtel (Italy), IMI de Barcelona (Spain), MOG (Portugal), H3G (Italy), RAI (Italy), Ubiwhere (Portugal), BTV (Spain), Incites (Luxembourg), Accelleran (Belgium), Comunicare Digitale (Italy)
  • Call
    ICT-08-2017 "5G PPP Convergent Technologies"
  • Duration
    30 months
  • Overall budget
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ITL Leaderships
  • WP2 – Architecture, Requirements, and Use cases
  • T2.3 – Interfaces and Workflows
  • Innovation Manager
ITL Technical Contributions
  • Lightweight virtualization on edge nodes
  • Backend orchestration module of 5G services and infrastructure nodes
  • Machine learning framework
  • Centralized policy-engine and management
  • Open source contribution to Eclipse OM2M project
Main Objectives
  • Distributed, 3-tier architecture implementing network sharing, slicing and mobile edge computing capabilities
  • MEC Node Virtualization Platform and Guest Optimizations
  • Network virtualization
  • Scalable edge management & orchestration
  • Edge service programming models