GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains
GUARD will develop an open and extensible platform for advanced assurance and protection of trustworthy and reliable business chains spanning multiple administrative domains and heterogeneous infrastructures. The purpose of GUARD is manifold: i) to increase the information base for analysis and detection, while preserving privacy, ii) to improve the detection capability by data correlation between domains and sources, iii) to verify reliability and dependability by formal methods that take into account configuration and trust properties of the whole chain, and iv) to increase awareness by better propagation of knowledge to the humans in the loop

ITL Leaderships
- WP6 – Use cases and performance evaluation
- T2.6 – Continuous Integration and Software Releases
- T6.1 – Use cases definition, planning and monitoring
- T6.5 – GUARD demonstration platforms
- T6.6 – Validation and Performance Analysis
Main Objectives:
- Add monitoring policies to Italtel products
- Increase skills in Digital Service Chains security
- Increase security of Italtel products
ITL Technical Contributions:
- Definition of technical requirements, lead software integration and release
- Contribute to secure chaining mechanisms for network traffic
- Use Cases definition and performance metrics; design of two platforms for validation and demonstration; lead validation and performance tests