How brilliant ideas can overcome the Valley of Death

Communication specialist

It’s a common experience that many brilliant ideas and promising technologies die in the Valley of Death before growing and becoming profitable products. Often ideas are aborted when research funds end and innovation resources do not appear over the horizon. Many think that it is just a matter of funding received at the right moment. The reality is much more complex and crossing the Valley of Death is more about the art of making research and business growing together.

«Technology’s potential is not the only factor that decides whether an innovation will succeed. Innovative technologies need a long development phase before they can become profitable»

Paolo Comi, Research and Innovation Manager at RI-LAB, describes the phenomenon in a short article and explains how Italtel has created a team dedicated to doing good research and enabling innovation. It follows the Open Innovation paradigm to promote research and innovation with a mindset open towards internal and external cooperation.

Read the article: Connecting research and market: a way for overcoming the Valley of Death threat