Smart sensors, infrastructures and management models for the security of frail people


Technologies for Life Environments – The objective of the 4FRAILTY project is to improve the quality of life of fragile people in their living environment, through an innovative technological solution that allows patient care to be moved from the hospital to their daily life environment, identifying non-invasive assistance systems and easily accepted by the patient.

The approach adopted by 4Frailty is based on the remote monitoring of the dehospitalized patient using wearable or integrated sensors in the living environment, of a series of well-defined clinical and environmental parameters which are integrated into a “Decision Support System” which will help healthcare professionals to early detect the risk for the patient of leaving the so-called “safety zone” and therefore plan “low impact” and “low cost” interventions. The solution involves the creation of an innovative IoT infrastructure for the optimized management of the needs of fragile users.

The project is aimed at improving the quality of life of frail patients and in particular trials will be carried out for those affected by the following pathologies:

  1. Management of the patient with congestive failure
  2. Management of the patient with osteo-articular and neuro-muscular disorders
  3. Management of the nephropathic user and with neurodegenerative risks
  • Partners
  • Call
    Industrial research and experimental development projects in the 12 specialization areas identified by the PNR 2015-2020 – Directorial decree n. 1735 of 13 July 2017) – project code n. ARS01_00345
  • Duration
    42 months (30 months + 12 months extension)
  • Overall budget
    9,4 M€
ITL Leaderships:

OR3 “Infrastructure for Service Center data acquisition and management” (OR leader) will create the Service Center framework by adhering to the activities required in the following tasks:

  • T3.1 – Formalization of acquisition requirements, sensor data management, security policies of the Service Center framework
  • T3.7 – Definition of functional specifications of applications on a mobile platform

OR5 “Advanced solutions for the management of patients with congestive heart failure” will participate in the following task:

  • T5.4 – IoT platform customization

OR7 “Advanced solutions for the management of the nephropathic user and with neurodegenerative risks” will participate in the following task:

  • T7.3 – Customization of transmission and communication platforms, IOT, sensors and DSS for users with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Mild Cognitive Decay (MCI)
ITL Technical Contributions:
  • Framework Service Center based on Italtel’s DoctorLINK solution
  • WebRTC platform provided by Italtel’s Embrace solution that provides web-based video, audio and chat functions
Main Objectives

Italtel is involved in the development of the Service Center platform which will provide IT communication services for clinicians and patients, as well as data interfaces for carrying out the transmission of analysis values to the DSS system. The system will provide video communication services on the Internet to facilitate patient communication with clinicians and hospital operators, sensor operation verification systems, real-time control programs for patient analysis values and operating status control of medical devices.

The Service Center platform of the 4FRAILTY project, created by Italtel, is based on the proprietary product DoctorLink. On this platform, new functions have been designed and developed for the real-time monitoring of frail patients for the three pathologies being tested.

For the WebRTC functions, Italtel’s Embrace platform will be used to communicate in real time, via web applications on the Internet from a terminal (such as a PC, tablet, smartphone).